


What are considered Title IX concerns and how do I know when I should report them?

我听说有一个大学第九条调查员. 他/她是做什么的?

Can I have an advisor present when I meet with the Title IX Investigator?

如果发生性骚扰事件, 包括性暴力, 校外发生, 大学能否调查?

What if the incident occurred at a party and I was drinking (under the legal age of 21), 我会有麻烦吗?

Where can I find Brescia University’s annual Campus Safety report?


What does it take for Brescia University’s athletic program to comply with Title IX?


Does Title IX require identical athletic programs for males and females?



  • Immediately go somewhere safe and contact one of the following to make a report:
  • 避免洗涤、沐浴、淋浴或冲洗
  • Refrain from washing clothes or other items worn/used during the sexual assault



What are considered Title IX concerns and how do I know when I should report them?


  • 性骚扰
  • 性或基于性别的骚扰或歧视
  • 性暴力
  • 基于性别的跟踪
  • 暴力的关系
  • 怀孕歧视
  • 性取向骚扰或歧视
  • 性别认同骚扰或歧视

Sometimes 学生 are reluctant to report a concern because they aren’t sure if what they experienced is “bad enough” or is really a violation of law or policy. 鼓励学生报告他们的任何担忧. If a student’s concern doesn’t warrant disciplinary action/investigation the University can still offer support, 援助, 资源, 和选项. Reporting concerns assists the University’s ability to take appropriate action both for the well-being of individual 学生 as well as the University community.



我听说有一个大学第九条调查员.  他/她是做什么的?

Brescia University has a Title IX Investigator to investigate allegations of sex discrimination, 包括各种形式的性骚扰和性暴力. The Title IX Investigator utilizes the Student Code of Conduct as he/she investigates allegations consistently with the requirements of Federal law.



Can I have an advisor present when I meet with the Title IX Investigator?

Any complainant or respondent involved in a Title IX case may bring an advisor to any and all conduct meetings. 



如果发生性骚扰事件, 包括性暴力, 校外发生, 大学能否调查?

Students are encouraged to report incidents that occur off-campus. The University can investigate if the incident has sufficient ties to the University (if it occurs at a University event if it involves a Brescia University student, 教师, 或者工作人员, 等.).  If there are insufficient ties to the University to allow an investigation, 学生 are still encouraged to report so they can be provided with 援助 and support. Students are also encouraged to report any potential crime to law enforcement.



What if the incident occurred at a party and I was drinking (under the legal age of 21), 我会有麻烦吗?

Brescia University is concerned with the well-being of all 学生. The typical practice of the University is to not pursue Student Code of Conduct charges for alcohol violations that are self-disclosed during the course of reporting, or while serving as a witness in an investigation related to potential sexual misconduct.  在某些情况下, the Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students may recommend or require wellness approaches or other interventions related to alcohol use. 再一次。, 不应该劝阻学生不去报告, 或者提供与…相关的信息, sexual misconduct for fear of disciplinary action related to alcohol consumption.



Where can I find Brescia University’s annual Campus Safety report?





第九条禁止所有公立和私立K-12学校, 大学, 以及接受联邦资助的大学, from discriminating on the basis of sex in their intercollegiate athletics programs. Since Brescia University receives federal funds—most commonly through financial aid to 学生- Brescia all must comply with Title IX.



What does it take for Brescia University’s athletic program to comply with Title IX?

《HG皇冠登陆网页版》, 一九七五年发出, require that if a recipient institution operates or sponsors an athletic program, it must provide equal athletic opportunities for members of both sexes. 《HG皇冠登陆网页版》 provide a non-exhaustive list of factors to measure equal athletic opportunity, including whether an institution’s selection of sports effectively accommodates the interests and abilities of 学生 of both sexes to the extent necessary to provide equal athletic opportunity.




第九条保护每个人——女孩和男孩,女人和男人. 法律要求教育机构维护政策, practices and programs that do not discriminate against anyone on the basis of sex. Elimination of discrimination against women and girls has received more attention because females historically have faced greater gender restrictions and barriers in education. 然而,第九条也保护男人和男孩. A continued effort to prevent or stop discrimination on the basis of sex has benefited all 学生 by moving toward the creation of school environments where all 学生 may learn and achieve the highest standards.



Does Title IX require identical athletic programs for males and females?

Title IX does not require identical athletics programs for males and females. Under Title IX, one team is not compared to the same team in each sport. The Office of Civil Rights examines the total program afforded to male student-athletes and the total program afforded to female student-athletes and determines whether each program meets the standards of equal treatment. Title IX does not require that each team receive exactly the same services and supplies. 而, Title IX requires that the men and women’s program receive the similar/comparable level of service, 设施, 供应品等. 允许在男子和女子项目中有所变化, as long as the variations are justified on a nondiscriminatory basis.
